Kuntry Tyme Doc Holiday

Doc was born March 27, 2022. He is AKC and CKC registered. He wieghs 9 pounds. He is out of some of my older stock. Waited for years to get a puppy out of this little man’s dad. He has the sweetest temperament that you could ever ask for. When i come home from work he just barks his fool head off until i acknowledge him and give him some loving. Then he is quiet as a mouse. Very outgoing but loving. 

He is still young, and we have just started using him for breeding, but here are his stats so far. 


Total puppies: 14

Total litters: 4

Our litters: 3

Stud Litters: 1

Total males: 3

Total females: 11

All male litters: 0

All female litters: 2

Mostly male litters: 0

Mostly female litters: 1

Equal Male/Female litters: 1


He has come out of the gate with some wonderful stats. Let’s see if he continues.


Will be loading his pedigree soon.