Kuntry Tyme Sundance the Kid
Sunny was born on April 20, 2023. He weighs 12 pounds and has a red and black brindle coat that looks like a sunset when it is longer. He is registered with AKC and CKC. He comes from a breeder in Missouri, but his family’s lineage is from Oklahoma. Sunny likes to be the center of attention and has a tendency to make sure that he gets it. He throws brindle color.
Total puppies: 4
Total litters: 1
Our Litters: 1
Stud Litters: 0
Total Males: 2
Total Females: 2
All male Litters: 0
All female Litters: 0
Mostly Male Litters: 0
Mostly Female Litters: 0
Equal Male/Female Litters: 1
He is just now breeding age, and I so hope that he keeps the rend from his first litter.
Will loading pedigree soon.